Is it me or has ESPN and every channel bypassed the whole steroids scandal by focusing on Jason Giambi's sweet porn star mustache? I have a pretty cheesey mustache. I started mine about 3 months befor Giambi. I didn't take steroids and then petition the NY fans to put me in the homerun competition. I believe, if it were Chipper Jones who grew the mustache and made such a cry to fans, ESPN would hound him as being some kind of publicity hound from a podunk city in the south. Remember, ESPN also publicizes a loser Yanks team playing an overrated Bo-Sox team, a hot dog eating contest, and would probably push the "National Blowing Up Balloons Competition" in Rhode Island... if such a competion existed so close to New York. ESPN consists of mostly overrated announcers and promoters pushing lazy sports journalism. They don't seek out Bud Selig. They don't confront the drug culture in sports (unless it happens to hit the Northeast). And their constant employment of Steven A. Smith shows their lack of intellect.