Thursday, July 31, 2008

Robert Novak and his ailment... or how much the farthest left thinking people will go.

While I am not a huge fan of Mr. Novak, it hurts to know when anyone gets cancer. It's worse when the cancer is in an area as major as the brain, as it is in Robert Novak. Some people know him as one of the bigger voices for the conservatives on Fox News.
The worst part of this is how the far left has reacted. I can't think of the words to describe how they have... well... behaved? Reported? Objectively reviewed the facts? None of those are right. You'll see.

1. The Washington Post - They use the opportunity to use more than half of the article on Mr. Novak's announcement of a tumor to retell every "bad" event that has occured in his long standing occupation as a reporter/commentator.
*Lowest of lows - "He left the network three years ago after uttering a curse word and walking off the set. He is now an analyst for Fox News."
I like how they tie him to Fox after mentioning the outburst (which was justified). Really classy news coverage. Not biased at all.

2. New York Times - I will give them credit. They only used 2 or three paragraphs to recount possible bad things Novak has done. A decent report. Not explosive off the computer screen. Considering how much trouble he has given to liberals, I would guess the actual paper article will be run way to the rear of the front page. Much like hero stories from the Iraq War.
*Lowest of lows - The Times still managed (as the Post) to fit in Novak's liberal moniker as the, "Prince of Darkness".
Not unclassy, but still. How many times did the Times mention Senator Kennedy's problems (when he was recently diagnosed with a brain tumor)...? Maybe, how he drove a car off one certain bridge? Maybe mention said car had a woman he probably impregnated inside, and Ted didn't report the crash until much later? Not ever, as a whole story, I would guess.

3.The LA Times - Possibly the most biased reporting on the planet beyond Jihad Daily and the Beijing Tribune. They reported a total 8 lines on the actual reported cancer and spent another 28 lines on the entire Valerie Plame scandal. For those who might have forgotten, this was when Valerie Plame was exposed as a CIA operative, and several of the White House staff sacrificed themselves to the media to prevent a fire storm. Basically it was a minor story blown out of proportion, and some people are still trying to live off of it.
*Lowest of lows - "Novak is perhaps best-known for exposing Valerie Plame, whose position as a CIA operative was leaked to several reporters by Bush administration officials seeking to discredit her husband, Joseph C. Wilson IV, a former ambassador and a vocal critic of the Iraq war."
Hmmmm.... I sense some resentment and anger in this comment. Perhaps, this newspaper needs a company-wide (notice the useless dashed word) anger management class. It seems to me the war in Iraq is going well. Beyond the more than a dozen guys I know who served (several terms) in Iraq who said they felt it was worth while, I don't see much to report. Maybe, all nay sayers were fools? Perchance, the LA Times, who was one of the first to leak the "leak", has had a hard time? Go back to reporting gang arrests and celeb scandals, LA Times. Your objective view is clearly bent.

4. Random blogs - These are where the total nut jobs live. Yes I know. This is a blog. However, my message is of truth. I don't print opinion or unproven fact... at least not of my own in the case of opinion. I only want to show how the world actually is. Therefore I will post my top five comments. These are comments placed on actual blogs throughout the internet. Maybe people will see how stupid they can sound when they don't have to face public humiliation. That's all blogs are by the way.
Lowercase 1.
"I'm so sick Of how people demonize and hate others until they get a brain tumor or something, and then all of a sudden we’re supposed to come together in the spirit of humanity and all that bullshit.
I, for one, stand by my many utterances that I hope this man gets cancer and dies. Why shouldn’t we? Just because he’s facing his own morality we’re supposed to have compassion for him?
Nuts to that, I hope he lingers and goes slow and hard."
- FreeCrime on the blog View From the Ridge

* This nutjob is a regular blogger on Daily Kos.
*Here's a great quote from this toolbag. "Unlike many Americans, I vote in my own self-interest. At 24, though, I am less concerned with my economic well-being than with my level of sexual satisfaction. And to this I vote accordingly."

Lowercase 2.
The guy on Rumor Mill News Reading Room who goes by the name of Rayelan. What a psycho. He uses the Novak cancer story to rant into how former President Bush plotted to kill President Regan. The line isn't really clear, and this guy makes no sense so I won't even give him the dignity of a quote. Okay... maybe just one... just to show how insane this guy is (and who buys into liberal conspiracy theories... cough cough... Oliver Stone).
"Wikipedia has a partial list of people... Some I feel could have been assassinated using cancer.
Eva Peron was one of the first that I know of to be assassinated using cancer. Robin Bush, sister of G.W. Bush, was another early one. Why kill a child? To let the child's father know how powerful you really are!! (GHWB begged for Robin's life every day she lived. GHWB was told that this was a lesson to him and if he ever tried to leave the club again, all his family would be killed.)"

Uhhh... okay. Planet Earth calling crazy LSD overdosed dirty hippie. Even the most drugged out celebrity wouldn't buy this crap (cough cough... Sean Penn). Please, someone assassinate this fruitcake with one of those ice bullets they used to kill JFK. That or the same UFO that took Elvis and Jim Morrison needs to go ahead and beam this guy up.

Lowercase 3.

Here's one from prodigalsonnybono on Nuclear Rays From My Halogen Haze (cearly, by the title of the blog you can prepare for the worse).
"But no one can say Novak is a classy guy. He’s shameless and he’s murderous, or at least manslaughter-ous. He put a CIA operative’s life in danger and committed treason by outing Valerie Plame in his column. And just last week, he hit a homeless man with his Corvette and kept on driving! This diagnosis of cancer almost makes me believe in karma."

Whew. Now there's some classy down to earth writing. "I'll use semi-big words and say things derogatory towards someone who is afflicted with a bad disease. Then I'll follow Sharon Stone, since it worked so well for her, and invoke karma." What a loser.

My conclusion is this. News sources and bloggers are never objective. There's always a motive. The worst are bloggers... me included. Bloggers don't have to worry about our names getting out, having to face the people we talk about, or just living in the real world (especially if your blog name is Rayelan). By the way, Ray. Remember to check your lights for government bugs and don't forget to put on your aluminum hat before going to bed.

PS My name is Dan Ballenger and I live in Raleigh NC. See? I'm willing to face up to my comments.

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