What kid wouldn't dream it. You're the last at bat in the final inning. Your team is down by one against one of the best teams in the league. You see one man on base and you're facing one of the best closers in the MLB this year. You clinch your bat as the pitch comes. There's only a second to react and you swing. WHACK! The ball sails out of the field and you trot around the bases. "The crowd goes wild!"
It's the fantasy every boy has had growing up. Josh Hamilton is living it. The story behind one of the best hitters this year is different. He's had to overcome amazing odds to get the chance at an MVP title. If everything stays on pace, he may get there. Sadly the steroids scandal in baseball has several people asking questions about Josh Hamilton's amazing comeback and performance. I feel, if anyone in the MLB isn't taking steroids it has to be Hamilton. This has nothing to do with hometown pride, or with the fact I know him (in passing and through friends), or the fact he's a good guy all around. It's the fact every second of his life is being examined by the league. He can't go to the bathroom without giving a sample. He has a personal 24 hour guard/mentor to help him stay clean of all he was victim to before he became famous. The opportunity isn't there for him to cheat, unless he has found a way around constant surveillance. I believe he is the real deal. He has transformed into what is great about baseball. Please don't prove me wrong.
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