I have no political equivalent. I describe myself as a socio-capitalist, libertatarian, anti federalist, conservamentationalist, environmentalist. However, I want to go down on record as not buying into the entire Obama hype. I know he is president elect. I really wish him well. Being President is no easy task. It's also not a cake walk, where you make promises and see them happen either. I want what's best for the United States. I also want to hold to the US Constitution and what America was meant to be. I believe everyone born in America should have the opportunity to be president. My concerns are these:
1. Obama has not realized how disconnected his campaign promises were with reality.
He Said many things about cutting taxes and stopping war and being friendly with other nations. Not to go off point, but so did Bill Clinton, so did Jimmy Carter, so did Richard Nixon, so did both Presidents Bush, so did FDR, JFK, etc. Professional politicians tend to say things they don't follow up on when they get elected. Call me jaded. I simply see it as history.
2. The Media is power and can spin it how it wants.
The media might spin stuff to look better than it is. I've seen them in 8 years spin stuff to look quite worse than it is. I saw them spin it the 8 years before to look like we were all happy when people were losing jobs to NAFTA. Before that, we were in a recession that would bring an end to America, according to the media. Basically, news sources have tended toward making news. If they can blow way out of proportion and bleed a story they most certainly will.
3. Beware the media, Obama.
You have been their darling for quite some time, but like I said, they love a story. Being President is "the loneliest job in the world". One screw up and you will eat it for years to come. There is no dark room (unless your name is Kennedy) to hide in. Keep it straight and on the narrow.
4. What will everyone say?
By now, and clearly from his political appointments it's true, Obama has realized he's not going to keep hardly any promises. His war against the war is dead. His tax promises are a pipe dream. But so many people gave him big money to go their way. Some have or will be given cooshie jobs they're unqualified for. What about the rest of the party? They hedged their bets on a huge socialist overturn of the government. Government controls everything. Everyone is equal. The world all loves one another. Blah blah blah. At least that's socialist views... and most of the hard left. (Why do I get labeled a libertarian when I say the government has no say in helmet laws but everyone gets up in arms when I say helmet laws are socialist? Anyway.) They won"t be happy when President Obama doesn't fulfill his promises. Enter the media... if they haven't been totally bought out.
5. Yeah I'll bring up the racist thing.
I'm going to be labeled a racist for saying this... but I've seen it. African Americans will expect something from Obama being president. It's just the truth. I am happy to say in any of my SOUTHERN family's history there has not been a salve owned. I was raised to believe, if you you were a hard working American despite your race, you deserved happiness. However, I get the feeling the African American community feels they are owed something. My family comes from poor Scottish, English, German, Welsh, and Irish share croppers. As well, I am sure there is Native American in there too. I never asked or expected reparations. nor would I expect any. I make 21 thousand a year. There's people of every race imaginable that make more than me. I don't judge people by race. But if you try to bring guilt on me I will spit in your face. I am a proud American, not to be labeled by race. Neither should you be. Too much emphasis is placed on Obama's race as well. Now days racism is only an issue for those that want to make it an issue.I don't think President Obama wants that.
5. Good luck, Obama.
The media has created the Iraq and other wars so unpopular that you don't want to deal with them. However you have to. And pulling out is not an option. As well, pessimists have driven the proud American economy into the ground. I would never want your spot. I do believe President Obama is getting an empire. The US is a great empire. It's a Hollywood cliche to say the US is an empire in a negative sense. That's crap. It is true that if a baby cries in another country, we're the one everyone turns to to feed it. It's also true that if our country crumbles the world comes tumbling after. Example? We hit an economic slump, Europe and Asia took a nose dive. We made economic moves, those markets followed suit. Also, their were many international investments in this past election. If other countries are investing in our President we are definitely a powerhouse worldwide. Suck on that "losing face in the world" media.
6. Safety.
Is Obama going to make me feel safe. Right now I don't know. That means no. And that's a big NO. He hasn't ever elaborated on American security... except to say he was going to release people who pose a threat on America. He did back off of that theory though, as he began introductions to the Whitehouse. That was about the same time these guys began seeing trials. However, no other country will allow any such criminals to be held on their soil. Oh... it just adds to the ever flowing dramatic quality of life. I will now go into hip-hop mode. When the bombs blow up we all go up. Oh yeah. When terrorists stand up, we ought to all give up. Oh yeah. All the atheists say, "Oh, Yeah. Blow, Yeah. If we die, Yeah. It's what happens, Yeah."
So if this post doesn't get me labeled as an unfriendly to the new government... or to general uneducated folks who happened to learn to use a computer, you may hear from me again. Still I wish for President Obama to succeed in every way. My 401k and my safety depend on it.
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