Sunday, September 21, 2008
You better buy a prayer rug; or It's the end of the world... period (Not so catchy as REM's song).
In case you haven't been paying attention, something serious has happened in Great Britain. They have voted to allow muslim law. The basics are as follow. All British laws are ultimatum... unless you are muslim. In those cases you can overrule British law. There is nothing wrong with muslim law when the country is muslim. However, England is neither muslim, nor is it a theocracy. This is dangerous. I believe, at some point the Brits will over turn this ruling. Probably some angry radical muslims will burn a part of London in protest... or blow up a building. That's what you get when you elect socialists and live in a society that says, "Everyone's culture is right. We need to just talk things out." Stupid Brit Parlament. What's next? Maybe you can welcome child molesters and make them exempt under "Molesters Laws". Hey, let's allow Nazis their own rights because their laws are different. Freaking morons. My suggestion to the world is to duck and cover. Hide any evidence you aren't a muslim because, once Iran makes a nuke, we will be running for our lives.
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
My Latest Pet Peeves; or As If I Didn't Post Enough Gripes on this Blog
Believe it or not, I am a generally good natured guy. I still have pet peeves. I know this blog is almost becoming the center of all my gripes. That is why I am going to vent the top pet peeves on my mind, and hopefully make this whole world a better place. Okay, maybe I'll just make myself a better person to be around.
People who don't pay attention on the road:
I really began getting on this issue a month ago when I was stuck behind a woman swerving everywhere on the road, as I was leaving the neighborhood. I thought she was drunk. As I pulled next to her at the stop light, I learned the horrible truth. As I waited for the left turn light I watched this lady dig a spoon into a bowl of cereal and scoop it into her mouth. (This is where I wish this was radio so I could take a dramatic pause.) At what point did eating cereal from a bowl while driving seem like a good idea? What more can I say?
Since this incident everyone who is driving erratically or sitting through an entire green light has just irritated me. Every person on their "bluetooth". Every person talking to the person beside them. It's driving me batty. This is why I leave an hour and a half before I need to be at work. There's less drivers to make me crazy.
Raleigh's mayor... and the our Governor, while I'm at it:
If you haven't been paying attention, I hate politicians. Even worse, I hate stupid politicians... even more the ones who act like they are fooling the public. I don't believe anyone is truly stupid. Even mentally challenged people know what is going on to some extent. However, there's stupid behavior and stupid ideas. In fact you can do enough stupid things in your life that everyone associates stupidity with you. This is the case with Mayor Meeker and Governor Easley.
Meeker is throwing a weekend long block party for a stupid convention center... with the threat of a tropical storm. However, he did not approve the construction of plentiful parking around the center. Of course he can make plenty of money from parking tickets, so why make legal parking spaces in abundance? As well, he can make more money from constant expansion of the city, but the utilities are having a hard time keeping up. The recent water shortage in Raleigh should have been a decent sign that maybe growth should be slowed down. Seriously!!!!! I will run for mayor of Raleigh, if people will endorse me. Anyone could do a better job of controlling the city council from their stupid spending. Roads remain horrible, taxes explode, and no one questions the mayor or the governor.
As for Easley.... Geez... I'm glad he's in his last term. He held the school system hostage so we could get a lottery. What a bust that lottery is. He drives Stock Cars into walls on an annual basis. I'm tired of the news interrupting the Price is Right to tell me the governor ran into the wall at The Beast... going 25 MPH. He backs a corrupt senator from New York, and an adultering congressman from NC. I think I could govern better than Easley simply by doing nothing.
People telling me what's unhealthy (when they're not my doctor):
A few weeks ago my parents told me not to microwave food in a plastic dish, because it might give me cancer. Seriously.... I know they are my parents and are looking out for me. I am also a single guy that lives in a house by himself. If I have pork ribs sitting in a tupperware bowl and I'm hungry, guess what. Those suckers are getting nuked in a tupperware dish. I'm tired of everything being bad for me. If I don't exercise it's unhealthy, but if I exercise too much it'll kill me too. If I breathe the wrong kind of air I'll die, but if I don't breathe I'll die too. If I eat too much meat I'm being unhealthy, but if I don't get the protein meat provides... guess... yeah it's unhealthy. Instead of preaching to us about what's good or bad, try preaching moderation. Nicotine has great benefits. However, constant intake of cigarettes is very deadly. Same with alcohol. Same with meat, carbs, eggs, sex, Justin Timberlake, and poker.
The Press... in general:
Yeah, if you've read my posts you already knew this. I know a lot of people in "the business". They're like Virginia Tech or UNC fans. They're great people when they are in very small groups (say 1-2 people). However, when they get an entire network going, it's all over. I dare you to say you like to talk politics to anyone you ever meet in the media business. Maybe not even politics, but celebrities. You will be looking for an exit or a gun in 5 minutes.
That ShamWow! commercial:
Yes, I know. It's made by Germans. Olympic divers use it. It sells itself. What I don't know is why they have that weasley guy who looks like a frat boy from Rutgers plugging the product. Yeah, he's a hawker. He's following the ancient circus tradition. I have a prodct too. It's called "If you see that guy in public, buy one of those towels and whip him with it."
Guys on TV telling me who is going to win:
"Hi, I'm a washed up pro. I couldn't keep up with whatever sport I was in, so I went into "sports media". However, at the exact moment I signed my (insert network letters) contract, I magically gained the ability to tell exactly what's going to happen in the game. Even if I am wrong, I will know exactly why." Please... just retire. Yes, you have 15 starving children and 3 plastic wives to maintain. Still, if you are going to proclaim you have the magical vision, prove it before you proclaim it.
Rude people:
There's something going on there. Rude people don't pay attention, they don't care, they don't even act nice in any way. I can deal with gruff people. I can take the dry humored folks. But rudeness is wrong. If you exhibit any of the following behaviors, you need to get yourself in line and quit being a jerk:
1. You carry a phone conversation while in any kind of line. While driving gives you a half point.
2. You talk about others in the third person without trying to include them in the conversation.
3. You cut off people in traffic, use an ending lane to get ahead of drivers, drive in the breakdown lane, or ignore people trying to merge.
4. You ignore people talking directly to you. (This includes really annoying people... like me.)
5. You don't return calls in a timely manner.
6. You break dates on a whim.
7. You include yourself in every story you tell.
8. You criticize people in a good way... or compliment in a bad way. This is known as being passive aggressive.
9. You don't admit when you're wrong.
10. You don't laugh when everyone else does. (This excludes cases when everyone's laughing at you. But you make more friends if you laugh at yourself.)
Getting the run-around:
AKA Being lead on; being teased; a wild goose chase; hunting snipes. I hate this. It can be any of a number of situations. A girl can lead you on. Some times it's a company. Other times, your boss gives you the run around. In any situation, it is one easy way to get on my bad side.
Now for the good news about these pet peeves. I tend to have the memory of a gold fish... which is a fallacy... about gold fish. I'll deal with that in a later blog. Anyway, I tend to forget. So you may as well be rude to me and ride my peeves, because I'll be friends with you 5 minutes later.
People who don't pay attention on the road:
I really began getting on this issue a month ago when I was stuck behind a woman swerving everywhere on the road, as I was leaving the neighborhood. I thought she was drunk. As I pulled next to her at the stop light, I learned the horrible truth. As I waited for the left turn light I watched this lady dig a spoon into a bowl of cereal and scoop it into her mouth. (This is where I wish this was radio so I could take a dramatic pause.) At what point did eating cereal from a bowl while driving seem like a good idea? What more can I say?
Since this incident everyone who is driving erratically or sitting through an entire green light has just irritated me. Every person on their "bluetooth". Every person talking to the person beside them. It's driving me batty. This is why I leave an hour and a half before I need to be at work. There's less drivers to make me crazy.
Raleigh's mayor... and the our Governor, while I'm at it:
If you haven't been paying attention, I hate politicians. Even worse, I hate stupid politicians... even more the ones who act like they are fooling the public. I don't believe anyone is truly stupid. Even mentally challenged people know what is going on to some extent. However, there's stupid behavior and stupid ideas. In fact you can do enough stupid things in your life that everyone associates stupidity with you. This is the case with Mayor Meeker and Governor Easley.
Meeker is throwing a weekend long block party for a stupid convention center... with the threat of a tropical storm. However, he did not approve the construction of plentiful parking around the center. Of course he can make plenty of money from parking tickets, so why make legal parking spaces in abundance? As well, he can make more money from constant expansion of the city, but the utilities are having a hard time keeping up. The recent water shortage in Raleigh should have been a decent sign that maybe growth should be slowed down. Seriously!!!!! I will run for mayor of Raleigh, if people will endorse me. Anyone could do a better job of controlling the city council from their stupid spending. Roads remain horrible, taxes explode, and no one questions the mayor or the governor.
As for Easley.... Geez... I'm glad he's in his last term. He held the school system hostage so we could get a lottery. What a bust that lottery is. He drives Stock Cars into walls on an annual basis. I'm tired of the news interrupting the Price is Right to tell me the governor ran into the wall at The Beast... going 25 MPH. He backs a corrupt senator from New York, and an adultering congressman from NC. I think I could govern better than Easley simply by doing nothing.
People telling me what's unhealthy (when they're not my doctor):
A few weeks ago my parents told me not to microwave food in a plastic dish, because it might give me cancer. Seriously.... I know they are my parents and are looking out for me. I am also a single guy that lives in a house by himself. If I have pork ribs sitting in a tupperware bowl and I'm hungry, guess what. Those suckers are getting nuked in a tupperware dish. I'm tired of everything being bad for me. If I don't exercise it's unhealthy, but if I exercise too much it'll kill me too. If I breathe the wrong kind of air I'll die, but if I don't breathe I'll die too. If I eat too much meat I'm being unhealthy, but if I don't get the protein meat provides... guess... yeah it's unhealthy. Instead of preaching to us about what's good or bad, try preaching moderation. Nicotine has great benefits. However, constant intake of cigarettes is very deadly. Same with alcohol. Same with meat, carbs, eggs, sex, Justin Timberlake, and poker.
The Press... in general:
Yeah, if you've read my posts you already knew this. I know a lot of people in "the business". They're like Virginia Tech or UNC fans. They're great people when they are in very small groups (say 1-2 people). However, when they get an entire network going, it's all over. I dare you to say you like to talk politics to anyone you ever meet in the media business. Maybe not even politics, but celebrities. You will be looking for an exit or a gun in 5 minutes.
That ShamWow! commercial:
Yes, I know. It's made by Germans. Olympic divers use it. It sells itself. What I don't know is why they have that weasley guy who looks like a frat boy from Rutgers plugging the product. Yeah, he's a hawker. He's following the ancient circus tradition. I have a prodct too. It's called "If you see that guy in public, buy one of those towels and whip him with it."
Guys on TV telling me who is going to win:
"Hi, I'm a washed up pro. I couldn't keep up with whatever sport I was in, so I went into "sports media". However, at the exact moment I signed my (insert network letters) contract, I magically gained the ability to tell exactly what's going to happen in the game. Even if I am wrong, I will know exactly why." Please... just retire. Yes, you have 15 starving children and 3 plastic wives to maintain. Still, if you are going to proclaim you have the magical vision, prove it before you proclaim it.
Rude people:
There's something going on there. Rude people don't pay attention, they don't care, they don't even act nice in any way. I can deal with gruff people. I can take the dry humored folks. But rudeness is wrong. If you exhibit any of the following behaviors, you need to get yourself in line and quit being a jerk:
1. You carry a phone conversation while in any kind of line. While driving gives you a half point.
2. You talk about others in the third person without trying to include them in the conversation.
3. You cut off people in traffic, use an ending lane to get ahead of drivers, drive in the breakdown lane, or ignore people trying to merge.
4. You ignore people talking directly to you. (This includes really annoying people... like me.)
5. You don't return calls in a timely manner.
6. You break dates on a whim.
7. You include yourself in every story you tell.
8. You criticize people in a good way... or compliment in a bad way. This is known as being passive aggressive.
9. You don't admit when you're wrong.
10. You don't laugh when everyone else does. (This excludes cases when everyone's laughing at you. But you make more friends if you laugh at yourself.)
Getting the run-around:
AKA Being lead on; being teased; a wild goose chase; hunting snipes. I hate this. It can be any of a number of situations. A girl can lead you on. Some times it's a company. Other times, your boss gives you the run around. In any situation, it is one easy way to get on my bad side.
Now for the good news about these pet peeves. I tend to have the memory of a gold fish... which is a fallacy... about gold fish. I'll deal with that in a later blog. Anyway, I tend to forget. So you may as well be rude to me and ride my peeves, because I'll be friends with you 5 minutes later.
Monday, August 25, 2008
A Few Things I Want to See Happen in Sports This Year; or South Carolina is USC too
Since I am a red blooded Southern boy, I consider the beginning of the sports year to be opening day of football season. It's like Christmas in the Summer... it's Sportsmas. To kick off this grand holiday here are a few of my Sportsmas wishes:
1. Southern Cal loses their entire season... except to Noter Dame. Is there more of a team that needs to have a major NCAA violations investigation? I don't think so. Plus they're on the West Coast. I can't pull for a West Coast team.
2. No one from the NFL partakes in any criminal activity. This includes Southern Cal, since they are LA's pro team.
3. The World Series comes down to Tampa Bay and the Cubs. This will be the only time I pull for the AL... unless the Mets were representing the National League. I don't dislike the Amercan League as much as I hate the DH rule. Don't get me started on that crap.
4. Steven A. Smith vanishes into nothing. Maybe he goes to India and finds a sports guru. He learns the art of not being such a moron. He comes back and begins doing real sports analysis with people of all races and preaches love... not hate. He converts Jim Rome to Smithism and they tour the world in a soft rock band called "Quite Frankly, I'm Burning" or "Rome & Smith: The Quiet Experience".
5. Chris "Boomer... not Esiason" Berman loses his voice. He's stupid. He says nothing. He doesn't even pay attention to the game he announces. His voice is like a woodchipper mixed with a leaf blower.
6. Noter Dame loses all of their games, loses their NBC contract, and realizes they need to join the Big Eleven... I mean Ten. Seriously, how many more parents are going to have to explain why the Big Ten has Eleven teams? It's hard enough for a 3 year old to count without having to do abstract math.
7. Southern Cal loses in court. Who seriously sues an older school over use of their letters. South Carolina has been SC and USC for a longer ammount of time than Southern Cal. I see this case being a flop later in the courts. Basically, USC... the one out west, has more money and the California judge went to USC... the California one. If the trial was on the east coast, USC... the South Carolina one would have won. The logo in question was long in use by South Carolina, before Southern Cal ever existed. Plus, the name is "University of South Carolina" and the state abbreviation is SC. You can't change the initials. Next, UNC sues for the name "Carolina".
8. Strahan returns so we can get some more funny commercials. I guess a return of decent commercials in general, with or without Strahan, would be my general wish.
9. We don't have to listen to how wonderful the Summer Games were. It was in China on international TV. It was planned out. The US did poorly, except where they were dominant. It was the Olympics. On to traditional sports with contact and real injuries.
10. This picture gets put everywhere,
1. Southern Cal loses their entire season... except to Noter Dame. Is there more of a team that needs to have a major NCAA violations investigation? I don't think so. Plus they're on the West Coast. I can't pull for a West Coast team.
2. No one from the NFL partakes in any criminal activity. This includes Southern Cal, since they are LA's pro team.
3. The World Series comes down to Tampa Bay and the Cubs. This will be the only time I pull for the AL... unless the Mets were representing the National League. I don't dislike the Amercan League as much as I hate the DH rule. Don't get me started on that crap.
4. Steven A. Smith vanishes into nothing. Maybe he goes to India and finds a sports guru. He learns the art of not being such a moron. He comes back and begins doing real sports analysis with people of all races and preaches love... not hate. He converts Jim Rome to Smithism and they tour the world in a soft rock band called "Quite Frankly, I'm Burning" or "Rome & Smith: The Quiet Experience".
5. Chris "Boomer... not Esiason" Berman loses his voice. He's stupid. He says nothing. He doesn't even pay attention to the game he announces. His voice is like a woodchipper mixed with a leaf blower.
6. Noter Dame loses all of their games, loses their NBC contract, and realizes they need to join the Big Eleven... I mean Ten. Seriously, how many more parents are going to have to explain why the Big Ten has Eleven teams? It's hard enough for a 3 year old to count without having to do abstract math.
7. Southern Cal loses in court. Who seriously sues an older school over use of their letters. South Carolina has been SC and USC for a longer ammount of time than Southern Cal. I see this case being a flop later in the courts. Basically, USC... the one out west, has more money and the California judge went to USC... the California one. If the trial was on the east coast, USC... the South Carolina one would have won. The logo in question was long in use by South Carolina, before Southern Cal ever existed. Plus, the name is "University of South Carolina" and the state abbreviation is SC. You can't change the initials. Next, UNC sues for the name "Carolina".
8. Strahan returns so we can get some more funny commercials. I guess a return of decent commercials in general, with or without Strahan, would be my general wish.
9. We don't have to listen to how wonderful the Summer Games were. It was in China on international TV. It was planned out. The US did poorly, except where they were dominant. It was the Olympics. On to traditional sports with contact and real injuries.
10. This picture gets put everywhere,
Politics as Usual; or The New Coke
As I am recovering from a pretty nasty bug from this weekend, I have found something else to make me sick. A new explosion of politics. I am seriously tired of the elections and they aren't even here yet. Here are the list of things that are "grinding my gears" (thanks, Family Guy).
1. Democrats pride themselves on being the free spirit hippie voice of America. They put their convention in Denver. That entire town is a model of new age, stoner, snowboarding, making millions off of taxpayers by ripping them off on organic t-shirts, ideology. However, they have set up a secret jail to hold the homeless and protesters. Wait a minute... I thought Democrats wanted to eliminate people from being poor, but not by elimintating the poor. If the Shang-ri-la of liberal ideals has homeless people... wow. It's all lip service. Also, it's funny the same people that 40 years ago were protesting now decide they want to lock up protesters. Overall, it sounds like China and the Olympics. Both China and the Democratic Party are run by Communists who feed off a capitalist economy. The difference is China doesn't hide it.
2. I read an old but interesting article that made me realize that the Obama campaign is nothing but a marketing strategy.
Basically, it shows how Obama is Nike and Hillary is a pair of simple cross-trainers.
I can take the marketing farther, and update it to the current stage of the election. Obama is to Pepsi as McCain is to Coke. Obama is running a trendy pop-culture themed campaign (I could compare him to Tab and say its an empty campaign devoid of any true fulfillment... but you think it's healthy). McCain is the relable brand that everyone knows, and doesn't have to prove itself. Obama gets Taco Bell, KFC, Pizza Hut... Michael Jackson, Jeff Gordon, Regis Philbin, John Tesh, the Spice Girls, and Brittany Spears. McCain gets the Olympic contract, FIFA and UEFA cups, NASCAR, NFL, MLB, NBA, NHL, American Idol and a billboard at Turner Field. (No wonder Obama hates the big companies). One is for teenie-boppers who hang at the food court, and the other is a well established product that can be depended on. One changes with the culture and one is pretty well settled.
3.Only politicians would parade around a person as corrupt as Ted Kennedy as if he were a god. You think I am lying? Here's the facts. The Kennedys made their name from connections with the mob, selling alcohol during prohibition. JFK and Bobby were thrown into the political arena because they had Mobster and Union votes... and their smarter older brother died in WWII. They used family strength to dodge everything while in office.
Teddy drove his pregnant girlfriend (or just a girl he knocked up) into a river (he said he was drunk, but he never did any jail time... since he was a senator). As well, he blocked a wind turbine construction, because it would block his view. Teddy, gave huge breaks to oil companies, set up off shore bank accounts to avoid taxes he approved, approved union bullying, earmarked valuable money for "money pit" public projects... need I go on? And this is a guy who said, "Integrity is the lifeblood of democracy. Deceit is a poison in its veins." Maybe politicians should read more into the guy saying the words.
Oh yeah. And they paraded out Jimmy Carter. What a waste of breatheable air that guy is.
Well, this concludes my ranting on the downfall of politics and such... for now. I cant help it. They put themselves out there as supreme beings. Someone has to bring them back down.
1. Democrats pride themselves on being the free spirit hippie voice of America. They put their convention in Denver. That entire town is a model of new age, stoner, snowboarding, making millions off of taxpayers by ripping them off on organic t-shirts, ideology. However, they have set up a secret jail to hold the homeless and protesters. Wait a minute... I thought Democrats wanted to eliminate people from being poor, but not by elimintating the poor. If the Shang-ri-la of liberal ideals has homeless people... wow. It's all lip service. Also, it's funny the same people that 40 years ago were protesting now decide they want to lock up protesters. Overall, it sounds like China and the Olympics. Both China and the Democratic Party are run by Communists who feed off a capitalist economy. The difference is China doesn't hide it.
2. I read an old but interesting article that made me realize that the Obama campaign is nothing but a marketing strategy.
Basically, it shows how Obama is Nike and Hillary is a pair of simple cross-trainers.
I can take the marketing farther, and update it to the current stage of the election. Obama is to Pepsi as McCain is to Coke. Obama is running a trendy pop-culture themed campaign (I could compare him to Tab and say its an empty campaign devoid of any true fulfillment... but you think it's healthy). McCain is the relable brand that everyone knows, and doesn't have to prove itself. Obama gets Taco Bell, KFC, Pizza Hut... Michael Jackson, Jeff Gordon, Regis Philbin, John Tesh, the Spice Girls, and Brittany Spears. McCain gets the Olympic contract, FIFA and UEFA cups, NASCAR, NFL, MLB, NBA, NHL, American Idol and a billboard at Turner Field. (No wonder Obama hates the big companies). One is for teenie-boppers who hang at the food court, and the other is a well established product that can be depended on. One changes with the culture and one is pretty well settled.
3.Only politicians would parade around a person as corrupt as Ted Kennedy as if he were a god. You think I am lying? Here's the facts. The Kennedys made their name from connections with the mob, selling alcohol during prohibition. JFK and Bobby were thrown into the political arena because they had Mobster and Union votes... and their smarter older brother died in WWII. They used family strength to dodge everything while in office.
Teddy drove his pregnant girlfriend (or just a girl he knocked up) into a river (he said he was drunk, but he never did any jail time... since he was a senator). As well, he blocked a wind turbine construction, because it would block his view. Teddy, gave huge breaks to oil companies, set up off shore bank accounts to avoid taxes he approved, approved union bullying, earmarked valuable money for "money pit" public projects... need I go on? And this is a guy who said, "Integrity is the lifeblood of democracy. Deceit is a poison in its veins." Maybe politicians should read more into the guy saying the words.
Oh yeah. And they paraded out Jimmy Carter. What a waste of breatheable air that guy is.
Well, this concludes my ranting on the downfall of politics and such... for now. I cant help it. They put themselves out there as supreme beings. Someone has to bring them back down.
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Top Signs of the Week the World is Ending... or Why I'm Glad I'm Not in the Media Business.
This week has revealed a new list of proof that the end of the world is approaching like Oprah at a never-ending dessert buffet. Don't get it? You probably are oblivious to the following.
1. As the Favre Turns - Brett Favre More than a man. Possibly the greatest quarterback I've seen from beginning to end (I was in early gradeschool for the Montana years). Recovered from alcoholism and painkiller addiction without ever missing a game. Has several Super Bowls under his belt. Nearly lead his team to Great Poobah last year.
Meanwhile, Green Bay has somehow decided the unproven Aaron Rogers is a better bet. Do the Packers want to go to the bowl this year? I guess not, as their choice to jerk Brett around shows. Yeah, he retired. Yeah, he changed his mind. Plenty of atheletes do that. Now, we have the NFL version of your daytime emmy winning programs. "When Brett decides he's not really tired of his job and returns to the bay, he finds Ted Thompson making a deal with Aaron Rogers. He turns down 20 million to walk away. What does the future hold as "The Favre Turns"?
Personally, the goal of an NFL team is to compete now. Not 10, 5, or even one year down the road. Aaron Rogers is gone next year due to free agency. The rest of the team would back Favre no matter what. Brett is also well proven. Cearly Thompson has no idea how modern NFL works. Of course he's running a team that would sell out the stands in a blizzard when the team hasn't won all season. Also, he's a moron.
2. Paris for Prez - This is no joke. I actually heard someone say they would vote for Paris Hilton if she ran for president. Yes, Paris made a funny joke. I laughed a lot. I'm also certain she read from a script someone wrote for her. I also wouldn't doubt she had no clue, in her coked-out brain, what the medium sized words she was saying meant. Let's all reflect on the fact this is the same person who said her friend's name was "something Greek... like Douglas." Also, Her entire script on an energy plan was McCain's. The only real difference is she delivered it in a bikini. What a useless piece of space. Kind of like the United Nations.
3. The Most Useless Waste of Money that Could Be Used to Feed Starving Children -
The iPhone. A pretty cool piece of technology. It's even been made more affordable. Apparently that has rubbed some people the wrong way. Now there's an application for iPhone that does absolutely nothing. Well, it does display a photographic red jewel on your screen. Still, that's all it does. What does this nifty little piece of bling on your sweet phone run? About a cool grand. That's one thousand Washingtons. Five thousand tasty chicken nuggets at Wendy's. Who has that money to throw on nothing? I don't know anyone who fits the bill, but that's because I'm a tax paying, middleclass, underpaid American. Maybe Paris Hilton has it. I'll ask her if I see her in the Oval Office.
4. Obama Pulling the Race Card -That's right. He did it. It's what has become acceptable in modern society. If an African American falls behind it's much too predictable that race enter as an excuse. If Osama... I mean Obama, is breaking out with the Ace this early in the presidential race it means one of two things. Either his campaign is flipping out and they've been holding this card for such an occasion, or his whole platform is run by idiots and they've had this planned the whole time. Either way, it's a dirt dirty move. Both presidential hopefuls agreed to not bring up race. of course they are politicians.
Oh and for those who say that Obama didn't lay down the "conspiracy against Afro-Americans" card, here's the straight quote. "Nobody thinks that Bush and McCain have a real answer to the challenges we face. So what they're going to try to do is make you scared of me. You know, he's not patriotic enough, he's got a funny name. You know, he doesn't look like all those other presidents on the dollar bills. You know, he’s risky."
Like, you know? Like, totally. Gag me with a spoon... you know.
5. One guy who should be allowed his death wish... just because he lives in Canada -
Here's the low down on one story I couldn't believe. A Chinese immigrant in Canada stabbed a man on a Grayhound bus in the middle of a trip. Okay, so that's not shocking, if you've ever ridden a bus. There's some weird people on those buses. The shocking stuff lies in the entire story. After the passengers evacuated and the police arrived, the real carnage happened. The man cut his victim's head off and started eatting pieces he sliced from his victim. This was in full view of the cops. At what point do the police need reason to charge the bus and bust this guy up? Now, the "alledged" (we have to use that term until people are tried... pffffpppttt) has told the judge he wants to die. Uhmmmm. He's lucky he's in Canada where everyone lives and authority is just a ruse. If more proof were needed for the approaching end of days, I must be waaaaayyyy out of the ballpark... or just a crazy Christian.
6. I know people from China that wouldn't breathe the air there -My final sign of this week involves te Olympic cyclists who had to appologise for wearing face masks when they arrived in China. Alright, let me look at recent pictures of open air places in Beijing. Hmmmmm.... Every picture has a certain smog look that screams either "a tire fire has been burning here since 1956," or "there's a raging inferno on it's way, and all the animals have fled to safer ground." Either way, all those guys needed to say is this. "We are sorry, but our health is more important to us than dying from black lung (which American coal miners rarely get anymore) for a stupid medal. Seriously, China better straighten up quickly. They are quickly becoming the needy yet bossy friend that no one wants to go to dinner with. All that happens is you listen to them complain about their ex-girlfriend and you end up paying the bill. The only reason people are going to watch the Olympics is to see if one of the followig happens.
1. America whoops some tail.
2. One of the billion protest groups has the grapes to really disrupt the events (but not in a violent way... although the news groups would love that).
3. Maybe a Chinese athelete will defect to America, a la 1970's and 80's style.
4. Someone collapses from the massive pollution.
5. An American is detained for some made up reason, perhaps spying.
1. As the Favre Turns - Brett Favre More than a man. Possibly the greatest quarterback I've seen from beginning to end (I was in early gradeschool for the Montana years). Recovered from alcoholism and painkiller addiction without ever missing a game. Has several Super Bowls under his belt. Nearly lead his team to Great Poobah last year.
Meanwhile, Green Bay has somehow decided the unproven Aaron Rogers is a better bet. Do the Packers want to go to the bowl this year? I guess not, as their choice to jerk Brett around shows. Yeah, he retired. Yeah, he changed his mind. Plenty of atheletes do that. Now, we have the NFL version of your daytime emmy winning programs. "When Brett decides he's not really tired of his job and returns to the bay, he finds Ted Thompson making a deal with Aaron Rogers. He turns down 20 million to walk away. What does the future hold as "The Favre Turns"?
Personally, the goal of an NFL team is to compete now. Not 10, 5, or even one year down the road. Aaron Rogers is gone next year due to free agency. The rest of the team would back Favre no matter what. Brett is also well proven. Cearly Thompson has no idea how modern NFL works. Of course he's running a team that would sell out the stands in a blizzard when the team hasn't won all season. Also, he's a moron.
2. Paris for Prez - This is no joke. I actually heard someone say they would vote for Paris Hilton if she ran for president. Yes, Paris made a funny joke. I laughed a lot. I'm also certain she read from a script someone wrote for her. I also wouldn't doubt she had no clue, in her coked-out brain, what the medium sized words she was saying meant. Let's all reflect on the fact this is the same person who said her friend's name was "something Greek... like Douglas." Also, Her entire script on an energy plan was McCain's. The only real difference is she delivered it in a bikini. What a useless piece of space. Kind of like the United Nations.
3. The Most Useless Waste of Money that Could Be Used to Feed Starving Children -
The iPhone. A pretty cool piece of technology. It's even been made more affordable. Apparently that has rubbed some people the wrong way. Now there's an application for iPhone that does absolutely nothing. Well, it does display a photographic red jewel on your screen. Still, that's all it does. What does this nifty little piece of bling on your sweet phone run? About a cool grand. That's one thousand Washingtons. Five thousand tasty chicken nuggets at Wendy's. Who has that money to throw on nothing? I don't know anyone who fits the bill, but that's because I'm a tax paying, middleclass, underpaid American. Maybe Paris Hilton has it. I'll ask her if I see her in the Oval Office.
4. Obama Pulling the Race Card -That's right. He did it. It's what has become acceptable in modern society. If an African American falls behind it's much too predictable that race enter as an excuse. If Osama... I mean Obama, is breaking out with the Ace this early in the presidential race it means one of two things. Either his campaign is flipping out and they've been holding this card for such an occasion, or his whole platform is run by idiots and they've had this planned the whole time. Either way, it's a dirt dirty move. Both presidential hopefuls agreed to not bring up race. of course they are politicians.
Oh and for those who say that Obama didn't lay down the "conspiracy against Afro-Americans" card, here's the straight quote. "Nobody thinks that Bush and McCain have a real answer to the challenges we face. So what they're going to try to do is make you scared of me. You know, he's not patriotic enough, he's got a funny name. You know, he doesn't look like all those other presidents on the dollar bills. You know, he’s risky."
Like, you know? Like, totally. Gag me with a spoon... you know.
5. One guy who should be allowed his death wish... just because he lives in Canada -
Here's the low down on one story I couldn't believe. A Chinese immigrant in Canada stabbed a man on a Grayhound bus in the middle of a trip. Okay, so that's not shocking, if you've ever ridden a bus. There's some weird people on those buses. The shocking stuff lies in the entire story. After the passengers evacuated and the police arrived, the real carnage happened. The man cut his victim's head off and started eatting pieces he sliced from his victim. This was in full view of the cops. At what point do the police need reason to charge the bus and bust this guy up? Now, the "alledged" (we have to use that term until people are tried... pffffpppttt) has told the judge he wants to die. Uhmmmm. He's lucky he's in Canada where everyone lives and authority is just a ruse. If more proof were needed for the approaching end of days, I must be waaaaayyyy out of the ballpark... or just a crazy Christian.
6. I know people from China that wouldn't breathe the air there -My final sign of this week involves te Olympic cyclists who had to appologise for wearing face masks when they arrived in China. Alright, let me look at recent pictures of open air places in Beijing. Hmmmmm.... Every picture has a certain smog look that screams either "a tire fire has been burning here since 1956," or "there's a raging inferno on it's way, and all the animals have fled to safer ground." Either way, all those guys needed to say is this. "We are sorry, but our health is more important to us than dying from black lung (which American coal miners rarely get anymore) for a stupid medal. Seriously, China better straighten up quickly. They are quickly becoming the needy yet bossy friend that no one wants to go to dinner with. All that happens is you listen to them complain about their ex-girlfriend and you end up paying the bill. The only reason people are going to watch the Olympics is to see if one of the followig happens.
1. America whoops some tail.
2. One of the billion protest groups has the grapes to really disrupt the events (but not in a violent way... although the news groups would love that).
3. Maybe a Chinese athelete will defect to America, a la 1970's and 80's style.
4. Someone collapses from the massive pollution.
5. An American is detained for some made up reason, perhaps spying.
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Robert Novak and his ailment... or how much the farthest left thinking people will go.
While I am not a huge fan of Mr. Novak, it hurts to know when anyone gets cancer. It's worse when the cancer is in an area as major as the brain, as it is in Robert Novak. Some people know him as one of the bigger voices for the conservatives on Fox News.
The worst part of this is how the far left has reacted. I can't think of the words to describe how they have... well... behaved? Reported? Objectively reviewed the facts? None of those are right. You'll see.
1. The Washington Post - They use the opportunity to use more than half of the article on Mr. Novak's announcement of a tumor to retell every "bad" event that has occured in his long standing occupation as a reporter/commentator.
*Lowest of lows - "He left the network three years ago after uttering a curse word and walking off the set. He is now an analyst for Fox News."
I like how they tie him to Fox after mentioning the outburst (which was justified). Really classy news coverage. Not biased at all.
2. New York Times - I will give them credit. They only used 2 or three paragraphs to recount possible bad things Novak has done. A decent report. Not explosive off the computer screen. Considering how much trouble he has given to liberals, I would guess the actual paper article will be run way to the rear of the front page. Much like hero stories from the Iraq War.
*Lowest of lows - The Times still managed (as the Post) to fit in Novak's liberal moniker as the, "Prince of Darkness".
Not unclassy, but still. How many times did the Times mention Senator Kennedy's problems (when he was recently diagnosed with a brain tumor)...? Maybe, how he drove a car off one certain bridge? Maybe mention said car had a woman he probably impregnated inside, and Ted didn't report the crash until much later? Not ever, as a whole story, I would guess.
3.The LA Times - Possibly the most biased reporting on the planet beyond Jihad Daily and the Beijing Tribune. They reported a total 8 lines on the actual reported cancer and spent another 28 lines on the entire Valerie Plame scandal. For those who might have forgotten, this was when Valerie Plame was exposed as a CIA operative, and several of the White House staff sacrificed themselves to the media to prevent a fire storm. Basically it was a minor story blown out of proportion, and some people are still trying to live off of it.
*Lowest of lows - "Novak is perhaps best-known for exposing Valerie Plame, whose position as a CIA operative was leaked to several reporters by Bush administration officials seeking to discredit her husband, Joseph C. Wilson IV, a former ambassador and a vocal critic of the Iraq war."
Hmmmm.... I sense some resentment and anger in this comment. Perhaps, this newspaper needs a company-wide (notice the useless dashed word) anger management class. It seems to me the war in Iraq is going well. Beyond the more than a dozen guys I know who served (several terms) in Iraq who said they felt it was worth while, I don't see much to report. Maybe, all nay sayers were fools? Perchance, the LA Times, who was one of the first to leak the "leak", has had a hard time? Go back to reporting gang arrests and celeb scandals, LA Times. Your objective view is clearly bent.
4. Random blogs - These are where the total nut jobs live. Yes I know. This is a blog. However, my message is of truth. I don't print opinion or unproven fact... at least not of my own in the case of opinion. I only want to show how the world actually is. Therefore I will post my top five comments. These are comments placed on actual blogs throughout the internet. Maybe people will see how stupid they can sound when they don't have to face public humiliation. That's all blogs are by the way.
Lowercase 1.
"I'm so sick Of how people demonize and hate others until they get a brain tumor or something, and then all of a sudden we’re supposed to come together in the spirit of humanity and all that bullshit.
I, for one, stand by my many utterances that I hope this man gets cancer and dies. Why shouldn’t we? Just because he’s facing his own morality we’re supposed to have compassion for him?
Nuts to that, I hope he lingers and goes slow and hard."
- FreeCrime on the blog View From the Ridge
* This nutjob is a regular blogger on Daily Kos.
*Here's a great quote from this toolbag. "Unlike many Americans, I vote in my own self-interest. At 24, though, I am less concerned with my economic well-being than with my level of sexual satisfaction. And to this I vote accordingly."
Lowercase 2.
The guy on Rumor Mill News Reading Room who goes by the name of Rayelan. What a psycho. He uses the Novak cancer story to rant into how former President Bush plotted to kill President Regan. The line isn't really clear, and this guy makes no sense so I won't even give him the dignity of a quote. Okay... maybe just one... just to show how insane this guy is (and who buys into liberal conspiracy theories... cough cough... Oliver Stone).
"Wikipedia has a partial list of people... Some I feel could have been assassinated using cancer.
Eva Peron was one of the first that I know of to be assassinated using cancer. Robin Bush, sister of G.W. Bush, was another early one. Why kill a child? To let the child's father know how powerful you really are!! (GHWB begged for Robin's life every day she lived. GHWB was told that this was a lesson to him and if he ever tried to leave the club again, all his family would be killed.)"
Uhhh... okay. Planet Earth calling crazy LSD overdosed dirty hippie. Even the most drugged out celebrity wouldn't buy this crap (cough cough... Sean Penn). Please, someone assassinate this fruitcake with one of those ice bullets they used to kill JFK. That or the same UFO that took Elvis and Jim Morrison needs to go ahead and beam this guy up.
Lowercase 3.
Here's one from prodigalsonnybono on Nuclear Rays From My Halogen Haze (cearly, by the title of the blog you can prepare for the worse).
"But no one can say Novak is a classy guy. He’s shameless and he’s murderous, or at least manslaughter-ous. He put a CIA operative’s life in danger and committed treason by outing Valerie Plame in his column. And just last week, he hit a homeless man with his Corvette and kept on driving! This diagnosis of cancer almost makes me believe in karma."
Whew. Now there's some classy down to earth writing. "I'll use semi-big words and say things derogatory towards someone who is afflicted with a bad disease. Then I'll follow Sharon Stone, since it worked so well for her, and invoke karma." What a loser.
My conclusion is this. News sources and bloggers are never objective. There's always a motive. The worst are bloggers... me included. Bloggers don't have to worry about our names getting out, having to face the people we talk about, or just living in the real world (especially if your blog name is Rayelan). By the way, Ray. Remember to check your lights for government bugs and don't forget to put on your aluminum hat before going to bed.
PS My name is Dan Ballenger and I live in Raleigh NC. See? I'm willing to face up to my comments.
The worst part of this is how the far left has reacted. I can't think of the words to describe how they have... well... behaved? Reported? Objectively reviewed the facts? None of those are right. You'll see.
1. The Washington Post - They use the opportunity to use more than half of the article on Mr. Novak's announcement of a tumor to retell every "bad" event that has occured in his long standing occupation as a reporter/commentator.
*Lowest of lows - "He left the network three years ago after uttering a curse word and walking off the set. He is now an analyst for Fox News."
I like how they tie him to Fox after mentioning the outburst (which was justified). Really classy news coverage. Not biased at all.
2. New York Times - I will give them credit. They only used 2 or three paragraphs to recount possible bad things Novak has done. A decent report. Not explosive off the computer screen. Considering how much trouble he has given to liberals, I would guess the actual paper article will be run way to the rear of the front page. Much like hero stories from the Iraq War.
*Lowest of lows - The Times still managed (as the Post) to fit in Novak's liberal moniker as the, "Prince of Darkness".
Not unclassy, but still. How many times did the Times mention Senator Kennedy's problems (when he was recently diagnosed with a brain tumor)...? Maybe, how he drove a car off one certain bridge? Maybe mention said car had a woman he probably impregnated inside, and Ted didn't report the crash until much later? Not ever, as a whole story, I would guess.
3.The LA Times - Possibly the most biased reporting on the planet beyond Jihad Daily and the Beijing Tribune. They reported a total 8 lines on the actual reported cancer and spent another 28 lines on the entire Valerie Plame scandal. For those who might have forgotten, this was when Valerie Plame was exposed as a CIA operative, and several of the White House staff sacrificed themselves to the media to prevent a fire storm. Basically it was a minor story blown out of proportion, and some people are still trying to live off of it.
*Lowest of lows - "Novak is perhaps best-known for exposing Valerie Plame, whose position as a CIA operative was leaked to several reporters by Bush administration officials seeking to discredit her husband, Joseph C. Wilson IV, a former ambassador and a vocal critic of the Iraq war."
Hmmmm.... I sense some resentment and anger in this comment. Perhaps, this newspaper needs a company-wide (notice the useless dashed word) anger management class. It seems to me the war in Iraq is going well. Beyond the more than a dozen guys I know who served (several terms) in Iraq who said they felt it was worth while, I don't see much to report. Maybe, all nay sayers were fools? Perchance, the LA Times, who was one of the first to leak the "leak", has had a hard time? Go back to reporting gang arrests and celeb scandals, LA Times. Your objective view is clearly bent.
4. Random blogs - These are where the total nut jobs live. Yes I know. This is a blog. However, my message is of truth. I don't print opinion or unproven fact... at least not of my own in the case of opinion. I only want to show how the world actually is. Therefore I will post my top five comments. These are comments placed on actual blogs throughout the internet. Maybe people will see how stupid they can sound when they don't have to face public humiliation. That's all blogs are by the way.
Lowercase 1.
"I'm so sick Of how people demonize and hate others until they get a brain tumor or something, and then all of a sudden we’re supposed to come together in the spirit of humanity and all that bullshit.
I, for one, stand by my many utterances that I hope this man gets cancer and dies. Why shouldn’t we? Just because he’s facing his own morality we’re supposed to have compassion for him?
Nuts to that, I hope he lingers and goes slow and hard."
- FreeCrime on the blog View From the Ridge
* This nutjob is a regular blogger on Daily Kos.
*Here's a great quote from this toolbag. "Unlike many Americans, I vote in my own self-interest. At 24, though, I am less concerned with my economic well-being than with my level of sexual satisfaction. And to this I vote accordingly."
Lowercase 2.
The guy on Rumor Mill News Reading Room who goes by the name of Rayelan. What a psycho. He uses the Novak cancer story to rant into how former President Bush plotted to kill President Regan. The line isn't really clear, and this guy makes no sense so I won't even give him the dignity of a quote. Okay... maybe just one... just to show how insane this guy is (and who buys into liberal conspiracy theories... cough cough... Oliver Stone).
"Wikipedia has a partial list of people... Some I feel could have been assassinated using cancer.
Eva Peron was one of the first that I know of to be assassinated using cancer. Robin Bush, sister of G.W. Bush, was another early one. Why kill a child? To let the child's father know how powerful you really are!! (GHWB begged for Robin's life every day she lived. GHWB was told that this was a lesson to him and if he ever tried to leave the club again, all his family would be killed.)"
Uhhh... okay. Planet Earth calling crazy LSD overdosed dirty hippie. Even the most drugged out celebrity wouldn't buy this crap (cough cough... Sean Penn). Please, someone assassinate this fruitcake with one of those ice bullets they used to kill JFK. That or the same UFO that took Elvis and Jim Morrison needs to go ahead and beam this guy up.
Lowercase 3.
Here's one from prodigalsonnybono on Nuclear Rays From My Halogen Haze (cearly, by the title of the blog you can prepare for the worse).
"But no one can say Novak is a classy guy. He’s shameless and he’s murderous, or at least manslaughter-ous. He put a CIA operative’s life in danger and committed treason by outing Valerie Plame in his column. And just last week, he hit a homeless man with his Corvette and kept on driving! This diagnosis of cancer almost makes me believe in karma."
Whew. Now there's some classy down to earth writing. "I'll use semi-big words and say things derogatory towards someone who is afflicted with a bad disease. Then I'll follow Sharon Stone, since it worked so well for her, and invoke karma." What a loser.
My conclusion is this. News sources and bloggers are never objective. There's always a motive. The worst are bloggers... me included. Bloggers don't have to worry about our names getting out, having to face the people we talk about, or just living in the real world (especially if your blog name is Rayelan). By the way, Ray. Remember to check your lights for government bugs and don't forget to put on your aluminum hat before going to bed.
PS My name is Dan Ballenger and I live in Raleigh NC. See? I'm willing to face up to my comments.
Friday, July 25, 2008
Getting to finally see a legend of rock... or "Owwwwww! My freakin ears!"
I finally was able to see one of the definative "rock gods" of my generation last night. This was Chris Cornell. The abilities, by means of voice alone, are amazing. As i live in Raleigh, I have never had the oportunity to see this founder of modern "alternative" rock. Temple of the Dog was too underground to showup here, Soundgarden was broken up before they could come, and Audioslave never came anywhere near here (mainly because the Rage members hate this area... don't ask why). Still, I have seen Jane's Addiction, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Weezer, U2, Foo Fighters, Pearl Jam, and Candle Box. None of them have been able to keep their sound the way Chris has. He's 10 years older than me and can hit all the right tones for a concert. I hope he shows up a million times more to Raleigh.
The other band appearing was Linkin Park. All I can say is "Dear Lord!" They put on the best most spectacular show I have ever seen. They were definitely upstaged by they near perfectness of Cornell, but their show was just a spectacle. The concert could be best described as a UFO landing in the middle of the stage and a band performing along with the light show. It has to be experienced. There were few, if any, areas of the stage that were not utilized.
Overall, the part of Projekt Revolution I was present for was as close to a perfect show as I'll probably get. I am not one who goes to a lot of shows. I like the up close shows of the Avett Brothers and such. However, I absolutely love a concert that is just a hard rocking spectacle. That is what I received at this concert. The only thing I could have wanted more is to have pit and back stage passes. I love rock and the excentric stuff it includes. What else needs to be said?
The other band appearing was Linkin Park. All I can say is "Dear Lord!" They put on the best most spectacular show I have ever seen. They were definitely upstaged by they near perfectness of Cornell, but their show was just a spectacle. The concert could be best described as a UFO landing in the middle of the stage and a band performing along with the light show. It has to be experienced. There were few, if any, areas of the stage that were not utilized.
Overall, the part of Projekt Revolution I was present for was as close to a perfect show as I'll probably get. I am not one who goes to a lot of shows. I like the up close shows of the Avett Brothers and such. However, I absolutely love a concert that is just a hard rocking spectacle. That is what I received at this concert. The only thing I could have wanted more is to have pit and back stage passes. I love rock and the excentric stuff it includes. What else needs to be said?
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Yes I'm a comic book nerd... or the best movie ever.
Yeah, I'm a comic book nerd. I grew up on them. Any guy who says they didn't is either a liar or a moron. For little boys, comic books are something that gives them an escape. Only dirty hippie mothers made their kids read "real books" all the time.
As a result of comic book reading I discovered a few things. One was that comic book women are fake. The second was that DC and Marvel were two different things. It's not just a comic when speaking of DC vs. Marvel. We're talking "human vs. hero". I love both styles, but the recent movie benge has turned me off. The recent explosion of Marvel movies is drenched in the smell of money. I think the DC characters make a much better movie.
Marvel made it's name in making characters human. They faced all the problems life could hand them. Spiderman = A nerd who becomes a loser hero. Iron Man = Alcoholic who becomes a loser hero. However, DC characters entered the fantastic. Superman = Man from another world fights intergalactic foes. Batman = Rich boy who learned Kung Fu and beats up insane villans. Eventually the DC characters lead to darker roles. It's weird because you think the lighthearted "we know your pain" roles of Marvel would be better. However, I think the darker DC roles fit closer to home. Batman makes us glad we don't live in his world. Superman makes us think, "What if?" While a kid in teen angst might envision himself as Spiderman, everyone wants to be Superman.
PS. I hope there's a true Avengers movie in the works... and a Justice League movie.
As a result of comic book reading I discovered a few things. One was that comic book women are fake. The second was that DC and Marvel were two different things. It's not just a comic when speaking of DC vs. Marvel. We're talking "human vs. hero". I love both styles, but the recent movie benge has turned me off. The recent explosion of Marvel movies is drenched in the smell of money. I think the DC characters make a much better movie.
Marvel made it's name in making characters human. They faced all the problems life could hand them. Spiderman = A nerd who becomes a loser hero. Iron Man = Alcoholic who becomes a loser hero. However, DC characters entered the fantastic. Superman = Man from another world fights intergalactic foes. Batman = Rich boy who learned Kung Fu and beats up insane villans. Eventually the DC characters lead to darker roles. It's weird because you think the lighthearted "we know your pain" roles of Marvel would be better. However, I think the darker DC roles fit closer to home. Batman makes us glad we don't live in his world. Superman makes us think, "What if?" While a kid in teen angst might envision himself as Spiderman, everyone wants to be Superman.
PS. I hope there's a true Avengers movie in the works... and a Justice League movie.
Me and her... or Is there any wonder I'm not married.
This past weekend I went on a date. Granted it was at a free concert downtown, but it was supposed to be a date. We sat far enough back that the band playing wouldn't overcome our ability to cary on a conversation. However, a conversation never occured. It was me trying to fit in a word while she chatted on her cell phone. Eventually I just rocked out to Alter Bridge and I don't intend on calling said female ever again.
I only wonder when women became so stuck on themselves that cellphone conversations were exceptable on a date. It's not the first time this has happened. I'm not a bad date either, so that's not the excuse. I blame it on women being encouraged to see men as an accesory, rather than a blessing. It's like reverse sexism. Men are treated as objects and women are praised for acting so. Look at popular media and prove me wrong.
I've been with women who've treated me from a key to another guy, a bookmark, an ATM, and several other analogies. It's demoralizing. People wonder why I'm afraid to ask a lady out. Basically, I have been trained to know what is going to happen. It's one thing to expect to not get a second date. It's another when you are bombarded with examples of how men are horrible and deserved to be used, getting used, and being ignored.
If women want a key to understanding guys, it's not that complicated:
1. We want to be listened to, and feel we are a part the conversation.
2. We like to have our egos stroked. Compliment us every chance you get.
3. Don't ignore us, because every guy likes to know you're thinking about us.
4. Just because we don't notice everything or drop money on everything doesn't make us less romantic.
5. We are going to notice the hot woman in the short skirt. Get over it.
6. You look hot. We might not say it. We wouldn't go out with you if we didn't think so.
7. We don't care about what happened in highschool.
8. There's three topics guys will pay attention to. One is sports. Two is music. The third only relates to your lesbian experience in college.
9. We will kill your ex-boyfriend.
10. We will kill the guy making eyes at you.
Number 11 should be that you can call us. The whole asking a girl out was passe once you quit thinking you were inferior.
See? Not so hard. Guys are primitive. We are simple and don't overthink things. That's what women like. If we were girly and emotional, women would hate men like they hate other women. Don't confront me on that. I work with nothing but women. I know the rules. I've heard the stories. Don't make me qoute when my co-workers' cycles are. That's disturbing enough.
I only wonder when women became so stuck on themselves that cellphone conversations were exceptable on a date. It's not the first time this has happened. I'm not a bad date either, so that's not the excuse. I blame it on women being encouraged to see men as an accesory, rather than a blessing. It's like reverse sexism. Men are treated as objects and women are praised for acting so. Look at popular media and prove me wrong.
I've been with women who've treated me from a key to another guy, a bookmark, an ATM, and several other analogies. It's demoralizing. People wonder why I'm afraid to ask a lady out. Basically, I have been trained to know what is going to happen. It's one thing to expect to not get a second date. It's another when you are bombarded with examples of how men are horrible and deserved to be used, getting used, and being ignored.
If women want a key to understanding guys, it's not that complicated:
1. We want to be listened to, and feel we are a part the conversation.
2. We like to have our egos stroked. Compliment us every chance you get.
3. Don't ignore us, because every guy likes to know you're thinking about us.
4. Just because we don't notice everything or drop money on everything doesn't make us less romantic.
5. We are going to notice the hot woman in the short skirt. Get over it.
6. You look hot. We might not say it. We wouldn't go out with you if we didn't think so.
7. We don't care about what happened in highschool.
8. There's three topics guys will pay attention to. One is sports. Two is music. The third only relates to your lesbian experience in college.
9. We will kill your ex-boyfriend.
10. We will kill the guy making eyes at you.
Number 11 should be that you can call us. The whole asking a girl out was passe once you quit thinking you were inferior.
See? Not so hard. Guys are primitive. We are simple and don't overthink things. That's what women like. If we were girly and emotional, women would hate men like they hate other women. Don't confront me on that. I work with nothing but women. I know the rules. I've heard the stories. Don't make me qoute when my co-workers' cycles are. That's disturbing enough.
The Sky Is Falling... or The environmentalists better back off before I bust a CFC cap in them.
I got a call today by my mom about a hurricane that is floating in the Atlantic. It's name is Bertha. No doubt the "weather geeks" want a chance to add the moniker "Big Bertha". Somehow the appearance of this hurricane... during hurricane season... has prompted threats about global warming.
Let me state a few obvious truths:
1. It is July and it is supposed to be in the 90's. I live in the South.
2. It is hurricane season, which implies that hurricanes are probable
3. The media wants another Katrina (which is still a pitiful subject) so bad they follow every hurricane and act as if it were the bringer of the end of the world.
Now for my Katrina comment. Katrina did more direct damage to outlying areas of New Orleans than the actual city itself. The problem with New Orleans was it was a death trap and had been for centuries. No sensible person would have stayed there when a hurricane was comming. The kicker is everyone expected the government to fix everything. That's what charity is for. The government's only duty is to make sure the country runs. It's not a difficult concept. The engineering, management, inhabitants, and mayor of New Orleans were all morons. I'm sorry if that pisses off a few people but it's the truth. I volunteered to help with reconstruction of New Orleans because it was a horrible fate for any community. But no one should expect absolute repayment for a loss.
A reasonable example would be this:
You live in an area that is labled a fire hazard. No fire has occured in 100 years, but everyone says it is due. All of a sudden a fire ignites due to lightening and it spreads to the point your entire town is burned down. People refused to leave the town and died in the fire... even though it was seen from miles away. During the fire homes were looted and police were killed. The scene was total chaos. The local government sends support to help quell the fires but little can be done. After the fire has died out the federal agencies arrive to provide support. Yet social activists say the government acted too late and everyone effected is owed money and support. Not only that, but the activists say the area mainly consisted of minorities and there was a vast conspiracy to not act.
This sounds like a sham if there ever was one. No government wishes it's own citizens to suffer. The key is to the reading of the Constitution. This argument has existed since the birth of the nation. Is the security of the United States citizens dependent on the state government or the federal? It's not that deep of a concept, considering the fact we've mastered flight into space. Yet people have manipulated this idea for more than a century to make political gains.
Now the new scheme is global warming. While I don't deny the world is warming (nor do I agree with the theory), I don't think it is a viable political device. I know it's the only thing Al Gore can make money on these days. However, Al Gore has proven what a dunce he can be. My belief in global warming is like so many environmentalists' beliefs in God. It's a sad fact, but very true. Be angry if you want, but prove me wrong.
Let me state a few obvious truths:
1. It is July and it is supposed to be in the 90's. I live in the South.
2. It is hurricane season, which implies that hurricanes are probable
3. The media wants another Katrina (which is still a pitiful subject) so bad they follow every hurricane and act as if it were the bringer of the end of the world.
Now for my Katrina comment. Katrina did more direct damage to outlying areas of New Orleans than the actual city itself. The problem with New Orleans was it was a death trap and had been for centuries. No sensible person would have stayed there when a hurricane was comming. The kicker is everyone expected the government to fix everything. That's what charity is for. The government's only duty is to make sure the country runs. It's not a difficult concept. The engineering, management, inhabitants, and mayor of New Orleans were all morons. I'm sorry if that pisses off a few people but it's the truth. I volunteered to help with reconstruction of New Orleans because it was a horrible fate for any community. But no one should expect absolute repayment for a loss.
A reasonable example would be this:
You live in an area that is labled a fire hazard. No fire has occured in 100 years, but everyone says it is due. All of a sudden a fire ignites due to lightening and it spreads to the point your entire town is burned down. People refused to leave the town and died in the fire... even though it was seen from miles away. During the fire homes were looted and police were killed. The scene was total chaos. The local government sends support to help quell the fires but little can be done. After the fire has died out the federal agencies arrive to provide support. Yet social activists say the government acted too late and everyone effected is owed money and support. Not only that, but the activists say the area mainly consisted of minorities and there was a vast conspiracy to not act.
This sounds like a sham if there ever was one. No government wishes it's own citizens to suffer. The key is to the reading of the Constitution. This argument has existed since the birth of the nation. Is the security of the United States citizens dependent on the state government or the federal? It's not that deep of a concept, considering the fact we've mastered flight into space. Yet people have manipulated this idea for more than a century to make political gains.
Now the new scheme is global warming. While I don't deny the world is warming (nor do I agree with the theory), I don't think it is a viable political device. I know it's the only thing Al Gore can make money on these days. However, Al Gore has proven what a dunce he can be. My belief in global warming is like so many environmentalists' beliefs in God. It's a sad fact, but very true. Be angry if you want, but prove me wrong.
Homeruns are the biz... or Its all in the heart.
I watched the homerun contest on ESPN. I have several thoughts that you won't read on the typical news page. The first relates to how horrible Chris Berman is as an annoucer for baseball. Every time he is in charge of the game the coversation somehow gets lost way beyond what's happening on the field. The sad part is the conversation never returns to what's going on on the field. I know Chris "Boomer" Berman is loved by the whole sports media type, but he sucks. He's horrible in baseball, terrible in football, and if I ever watched pro basketball and he announced it I'm sure he'd be bad at that.
I believe too much emphasis is placed on homeruns in Major League Baseball. It is my belief that baseball is about the way the game is played, and not the number of balls knocked out of the park. Beyond seeing Erin Andrews a few extra times in a week, the Home Run competition means little else.
My third thought is about how the "nation has just learned" about Josh Hamilton's struggles. I have known about his problems since they first happened. Granted, I also know nearly everyone involved in his recovery. However, it's almost as if ESPN wants to cash in on his problems. I suffer from at least one of the same problems as Josh. Everyone suffers from some problem that Josh has had. I know it's nothing you want pointed out as you try to remake a name for yourself. I also know the people behind him won't back out on him. Sometimes I wish I had the same support. But Josh Hamilton is not just there to cram home runs down the media's throat. How many times can you count that he witnessed to the crowd at Yankee's stadium? And how many cheers did he get? It's powerul stuff that Josh deals. As someone who knows a little of his trials, and can't fathom the level he is on, I definitely respect him. I also despise ESPN for playing it up for the wrong reasons.
I believe too much emphasis is placed on homeruns in Major League Baseball. It is my belief that baseball is about the way the game is played, and not the number of balls knocked out of the park. Beyond seeing Erin Andrews a few extra times in a week, the Home Run competition means little else.
My third thought is about how the "nation has just learned" about Josh Hamilton's struggles. I have known about his problems since they first happened. Granted, I also know nearly everyone involved in his recovery. However, it's almost as if ESPN wants to cash in on his problems. I suffer from at least one of the same problems as Josh. Everyone suffers from some problem that Josh has had. I know it's nothing you want pointed out as you try to remake a name for yourself. I also know the people behind him won't back out on him. Sometimes I wish I had the same support. But Josh Hamilton is not just there to cram home runs down the media's throat. How many times can you count that he witnessed to the crowd at Yankee's stadium? And how many cheers did he get? It's powerul stuff that Josh deals. As someone who knows a little of his trials, and can't fathom the level he is on, I definitely respect him. I also despise ESPN for playing it up for the wrong reasons.
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Josh Hamilton is the Natural... or I want to see you do that.

What kid wouldn't dream it. You're the last at bat in the final inning. Your team is down by one against one of the best teams in the league. You see one man on base and you're facing one of the best closers in the MLB this year. You clinch your bat as the pitch comes. There's only a second to react and you swing. WHACK! The ball sails out of the field and you trot around the bases. "The crowd goes wild!"
It's the fantasy every boy has had growing up. Josh Hamilton is living it. The story behind one of the best hitters this year is different. He's had to overcome amazing odds to get the chance at an MVP title. If everything stays on pace, he may get there. Sadly the steroids scandal in baseball has several people asking questions about Josh Hamilton's amazing comeback and performance. I feel, if anyone in the MLB isn't taking steroids it has to be Hamilton. This has nothing to do with hometown pride, or with the fact I know him (in passing and through friends), or the fact he's a good guy all around. It's the fact every second of his life is being examined by the league. He can't go to the bathroom without giving a sample. He has a personal 24 hour guard/mentor to help him stay clean of all he was victim to before he became famous. The opportunity isn't there for him to cheat, unless he has found a way around constant surveillance. I believe he is the real deal. He has transformed into what is great about baseball. Please don't prove me wrong.
What's hotter, Harry Potter?... or I think I work with 10 year olds.

Here's a fact. I have read all of the Harry Potter books, and I enjoyed them as a slight escape. I felt like I was in elementary school again and it was acceptable. Face it, what boy wouldn't want to fight dragons, kill evil villains, and be the coolest bad boy on campus?
That is the catch though. The Harry Potter series is written for kids in the 5th grade. Ironically, so are most major newspapers. The joining factor is that there are people who go around bragging about reading both, looking for praise. I'm not talking about kids, nor teenagers. I am talking about fully grown adult humans. People who have not touched a book in ten years, even if they were in college during that time. This is not a good thing. It might be, if these people used this to get back into reading in general (much as the series has interested kids to read other books). However, these adults think reading the Harry Potter series is enough and that they deserve serious recognition. People may ask what I am reading, and I may say it's Clive Cussler, Dan Brown, or it might be a history book. If I ask one of these Harry Potheads, the general reply is, "I don't usually read, but it's Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. It's my third time!!!! Isn't that great?!?!" Seriously? I mean I read Jurassic Park three times before the movie came out (the movie was horrible in comparison). However, if someone asked me what I was reading I didn't make a big deal about it, like I had accomplished anything. The book was good. I moved on to other books. It's what intelligent people do.
Granted not all intelligent people read all the time. Heck, I hate reading sometimes. But you aren't supposed to read books intended for children and then expect to get praise and respect for it. You can read them for escape and enjoyment. Good. It's a mindless activity. That's why I read the series. But it's not serious adult reading, you aren't gaining knowledge, and doing so shouldn't be treated with such adulation.
By the way, Emma Watson is going to be a fox when she turns 18.
Wikipedia IS for dummies... or why the next generation is going to be a bunch of brainless morons.
Today's story involves an abominable horror that is wasting precious space on the internet. It lurks through the web that covers this world, gorging itself on baseless rumors and idiotic theories. Formerly intelligent people are no match for this being. It presents itself as legitimate, unless you pay attention to its source of power. Many a soul has been lost to this entity... as well as a passing grade in a college sociology term paper.
This despicable disease of a web page is known as Wikipedia. It is home to the moron, the weak minded, the lazy, the crazy whack-jobs, the people who believe we faked the moon landing and Elvis lives in a trailer in New Jersey,the just plain dumb,... and a few unsuspecting yet curious web explorers.
Our story begins several months ago. One of my friends stated that golf is a sexist sport. I am a weak golfer, but I enjoy playing. I often see women playing golf and know very well that this statement is flawed. However, curiosity got the best of me, and I asked my friend why she had made that statement. She explained (not to me, but a girl standing next to her) that golf is an acronym, meaning "Gentlemen Only, Ladies Forbidden". I could fly off the handle right now, as I'm sure anyone of sound mind would. However, I have to reach the point of this story. I held off the pithy comments rushing to my brain, and asked my friend where she heard this "crap". She said, "Wikipedia said it's true," as if that was the end of the discussion. I tried to argue but my friend and the girl next to me exchanged glances and went on about other things.
"Oh that's just women trying to get under your skin," you say? I say, "No!" It's stupidity among the general population. Stupidity for believing in everything found on the web. In general, web media is the biggest hodge-podge of mindless freaks created. These freaks have somehow managed to find time from their blogs (and yes I know this is a blog) to meet up in an unregulated "encyclopedia of knowledge" known as Wikipedia. And only brainless idiots use this as a source of reliable information. Basically, I could go onto Wikipedia, insert any comment (maybe that in 1999 Jessica Simpson contracted herpes), and fake a source for my factoid. Presto! I just made a truth exist to millions of morons willing to read Wikipedia.
I majored in history from a major university. As part of my major, I had to learn to discern illegitimate sources from those that could be trusted. Had I used Wikipedia as a source... well, let's just say I'd be cleaning toilets on the janitorial staff of that same college.
I will use the aforementioned story to show that Wikipedia spreads lies. The claim is that golf... which consists of all lowercase letters... stands for "Gentlemen Only, Ladies Forbidden". This assumes that golf is an acronym. Considering the term golf has existed since (at least) the 16th century this is highly unlikely. Acronyms only reached a wave of high use in the early 20th century. If the people of the 16th century had not wanted women to play, why hide it in an acronym? They could just say, "Nope, all you lady folks gotta stay out. We don't like you playing in the fields with sticks and balls. That's men stuff." Seriously, It's the early Renaissance. Women are respected but there's no such thing as equal rights. Why hide the meaning of golf in an acronym (if golf is really sexist). My theory is the lie was posted during the whole "no women at The Masters" ordeal. Some unshaven she-male, angry at the fact her state government wouldn't pay to give her a penis, decided to change the purity of golf and posted this made up urban legend. Since anyone can post on Wikipedia, it makes sense. By the way, the respected origin of the term golf comes from the middle ages. Medieval Dutch called it something close to "kolf" which the Scots translated approximately into "gouf". This is fact delved from the USGA Library and the British Golf Museum.
Hmmmmm. Who do I believe? A recognized and respected organization and a real physical museum that actually studies things. A web page that allows anyone on the planet to post fake sources claiming anything they want to say. You tell me and I'll let you know if you are as dumb as you look.
The previous example should have alerted you to the perilous rope from which Wikipedia hangs. Granted, there are some truths on there. However that does not make it reliable. There will be plenty of kids growing up using this defunct web page as a truthful source. Heaven forbid, they might even be saying that Jimmy Carter was the savior of the United States and Thomas Jefferson spent all his time fathering slaves (don't even get me started on the crap about the "Jeffersons"). If Wikipedia-mania isn't halted, we will all be slaves to a young generation of dolts that believe everything posted on the net. Drop the net source and pick up a real encyclopedia.
This despicable disease of a web page is known as Wikipedia. It is home to the moron, the weak minded, the lazy, the crazy whack-jobs, the people who believe we faked the moon landing and Elvis lives in a trailer in New Jersey,the just plain dumb,... and a few unsuspecting yet curious web explorers.
Our story begins several months ago. One of my friends stated that golf is a sexist sport. I am a weak golfer, but I enjoy playing. I often see women playing golf and know very well that this statement is flawed. However, curiosity got the best of me, and I asked my friend why she had made that statement. She explained (not to me, but a girl standing next to her) that golf is an acronym, meaning "Gentlemen Only, Ladies Forbidden". I could fly off the handle right now, as I'm sure anyone of sound mind would. However, I have to reach the point of this story. I held off the pithy comments rushing to my brain, and asked my friend where she heard this "crap". She said, "Wikipedia said it's true," as if that was the end of the discussion. I tried to argue but my friend and the girl next to me exchanged glances and went on about other things.
"Oh that's just women trying to get under your skin," you say? I say, "No!" It's stupidity among the general population. Stupidity for believing in everything found on the web. In general, web media is the biggest hodge-podge of mindless freaks created. These freaks have somehow managed to find time from their blogs (and yes I know this is a blog) to meet up in an unregulated "encyclopedia of knowledge" known as Wikipedia. And only brainless idiots use this as a source of reliable information. Basically, I could go onto Wikipedia, insert any comment (maybe that in 1999 Jessica Simpson contracted herpes), and fake a source for my factoid. Presto! I just made a truth exist to millions of morons willing to read Wikipedia.
I majored in history from a major university. As part of my major, I had to learn to discern illegitimate sources from those that could be trusted. Had I used Wikipedia as a source... well, let's just say I'd be cleaning toilets on the janitorial staff of that same college.
I will use the aforementioned story to show that Wikipedia spreads lies. The claim is that golf... which consists of all lowercase letters... stands for "Gentlemen Only, Ladies Forbidden". This assumes that golf is an acronym. Considering the term golf has existed since (at least) the 16th century this is highly unlikely. Acronyms only reached a wave of high use in the early 20th century. If the people of the 16th century had not wanted women to play, why hide it in an acronym? They could just say, "Nope, all you lady folks gotta stay out. We don't like you playing in the fields with sticks and balls. That's men stuff." Seriously, It's the early Renaissance. Women are respected but there's no such thing as equal rights. Why hide the meaning of golf in an acronym (if golf is really sexist). My theory is the lie was posted during the whole "no women at The Masters" ordeal. Some unshaven she-male, angry at the fact her state government wouldn't pay to give her a penis, decided to change the purity of golf and posted this made up urban legend. Since anyone can post on Wikipedia, it makes sense. By the way, the respected origin of the term golf comes from the middle ages. Medieval Dutch called it something close to "kolf" which the Scots translated approximately into "gouf". This is fact delved from the USGA Library and the British Golf Museum.
Hmmmmm. Who do I believe? A recognized and respected organization and a real physical museum that actually studies things. A web page that allows anyone on the planet to post fake sources claiming anything they want to say. You tell me and I'll let you know if you are as dumb as you look.
The previous example should have alerted you to the perilous rope from which Wikipedia hangs. Granted, there are some truths on there. However that does not make it reliable. There will be plenty of kids growing up using this defunct web page as a truthful source. Heaven forbid, they might even be saying that Jimmy Carter was the savior of the United States and Thomas Jefferson spent all his time fathering slaves (don't even get me started on the crap about the "Jeffersons"). If Wikipedia-mania isn't halted, we will all be slaves to a young generation of dolts that believe everything posted on the net. Drop the net source and pick up a real encyclopedia.
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Is it the Stache... or How the 4 letter sports channel is killing sports

Is it me or has ESPN and every channel bypassed the whole steroids scandal by focusing on Jason Giambi's sweet porn star mustache? I have a pretty cheesey mustache. I started mine about 3 months befor Giambi. I didn't take steroids and then petition the NY fans to put me in the homerun competition. I believe, if it were Chipper Jones who grew the mustache and made such a cry to fans, ESPN would hound him as being some kind of publicity hound from a podunk city in the south. Remember, ESPN also publicizes a loser Yanks team playing an overrated Bo-Sox team, a hot dog eating contest, and would probably push the "National Blowing Up Balloons Competition" in Rhode Island... if such a competion existed so close to New York. ESPN consists of mostly overrated announcers and promoters pushing lazy sports journalism. They don't seek out Bud Selig. They don't confront the drug culture in sports (unless it happens to hit the Northeast). And their constant employment of Steven A. Smith shows their lack of intellect.
The Start or This is How We Do It
This page is not made by some random whack job venting about vast conspiracies. It's me venting about real actual things. Maybe vent is a harsh term. I wish to convey a sense of how I view events, and provide my opinion on as many topics as my mind can comprehend. That sounds like I actually went to school, didn't it? Anyway, enjoy my views and don't judge me too harshly. If in doubt, I'm probably making a joke.
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